Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Biggest Fear

Karen ( for those who don't know me is my Beautiful, funny, passionate wife) was listening to one of our favorite pastors on the radio a couple weeks ago,Living on the Edge- with Chip Ingram . Chip talked about 3 questions to ask your spouse and yourself on a weekly basis that will revolutionize your life. They are:

1. What are you concerned about?

2. What do you wish for?

3. What are you going to do about it?

This really got me thinking. I think Karen and I were pretty much on the same page with question #1. We both believe our greatest concern is to be good at something that doesn't matter. I know some of us get caught up in worrying about having enough money to take care of our families, worrying about our children, worrying about will the car make it another month. Those are the small stuff. What really has been on my mind is, What has God really called me to do? I've found myself thinking about this a lot. So much I almost feel dead in the water. Like I've pulled off the highway of life and I am just sitting here. Like what I'm doing is not what he wants me to be doing. Fearful that I should just stop and not move any further. Just sitting there is not me. If I don't have some kind of direction I start to get panicky. I've been in deep prayer the last couple days asking God to help me to have patients, peace, and trust. I have to remind myself that there is always a calm before the storm. What I mean by storm is there has to be change (A combination of opposing forces to create a new formation. Well, my interpretation at least) if I expect different results. God knows in some ways I'm suffering with this. A lot of people get caught up in a perplexing question, "Why does God let his Children suffer?". There was a great blog on this topic by Robert Dickie, 9 Reasons for Suffering.
It is a great teaching. I've stopped asking God Why and have begun asking How. How can I take this experience and learn from it? how can I grow and become stronger? I just know that God has a plan and a purpose to do good in my life. I just continue to pray in my, as one friend puts it, desert experience to be sensitive to the holy spirit and not miss doors of opportunity that God wants me to move through.

At a later time I will blog on questions 2 and 3. So stay strong. Be wide awake to the attacks of the Devil. If you feel like you're getting bombarded everyday just smile. You're headed in the right direction. The Devil doesn't go after the lost. But, remember, he has a limited amount of tricks. When he knows you won't give in he'll move on. So stay strong, press in, and fight the good fight.

Love you all


Dawn said...

Great post! That really makes me think about a lot of things too.

Michelle said...

Great post. I know I have asked myself many times, what has God called me to do with my life. More than ever now, things are making sense to me where my place is in this world. I have just learned to take things like finances, health, etc one day at a time and strive to do my best. I'm glad you are doing posts like this because for me personally it gives me so much to think about. Keep up the good work.