Friday, September 12, 2008


Since it's Fantastic Friday I thought I would share who my Blogspot neighbor is. You ask, how do you know who your blogspot neighbor is? It's simple. It's sort of a fun way to see what other blogs are out there in Blogland. In fact, your blog neighbor changes by the minute. All you have to do is go to the top of your blog and hit, "next blog" and Waaaaa La! there's your blog neighbor. Now, sometimes you'll encounter blogs from other countries in languages you don't understand. Actually, lately that's happened a lot. Then you encounter blogs that are really suprising and interesting. The featured Neighbor Blog today is, Man Made Marvels . A blog on Made Made Marvels. The great thing is? If this blog didn't interest me I could click next and venture into another blog.

Some might say, Joe you have too much time on your hands, I say, True, but won't you be my neighbor?


Dawn said...

Wow, yeah, you do have too much time on your hands!!! Did Karen ever start a blog? Not that yours is boring or anything, but I was just curious!!!

Rhonda said...

I'll be your neighbor! And I don't even carry around any signs or anything..and I promise to not blow kisses your way cause I'm happily married. lol

bellasmom said...

OOOOOOOOOOOH!!! we need to find you a hobby!